715-268-9340 | library@amerylibrary.org | Hours: Mon - Fri 9-6, Sat 9-1


Creativebug image for announcement - assorted craft supplies and a female presenter in a blue blazer

Get Crafty with Creativebug!

The Amery Area Public Library is offering a new digital resource to all of the library patrons who love creating art and making crafts. You can now sign up for a Creativebug account for FREE! Stream thousands of high-quality tutorials and enjoy unlimited access to...
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson and text describing the event

History Night at the Library: The Sage of Monticello – Thomas Jefferson

In his epitaph, Thomas Jefferson wrote that he wanted to be known for three things: The Declaration of Independence, The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and being the Father of the University of Virginia. But Jefferson was much more than that. He was an...
4 sets of couples doing things together

Non-fiction Book Club: Couples

February Theme: Couples The theme for our February meeting is couples. This could include romantic couples, singing duos, co-authors, military opponents, etc. Read any book about your chosen couple and join us to share what you found out about them! Thursday, February...

Amery Area Public Library Long-range plan 2024-2026

Check out our long-range plan to see what the Amery Area Public Library is focusing on for the next three years. Click here to see the most recent update on how we're doing.

Library Board Meeting

Please note the Amery Area Public Library is having a  regular board meeting on Monday, February 24th at 5:45 PM.      
2023 Annual Report Summary

Book Suggestions

Magazine Subscriptions