715-268-9340 | library@amerylibrary.org | Hours: Mon - Fri 9-6, Sat 9-1


Dungeons and Dragons Meetup on September 17 from 5 to 6 pm. All ages welcome.

Dungeons & Dragons Meetup

If you're looking for new friends or a group to play Dungeons & Dragons with, now is your time! Come to our all-ages Dungeons & Dragons meetup, no registration required. Need somewhere to play? Our meeting rooms are available to be reserved...

School Supply Drive

Help the Amery Area Public Library and the Amery Police Department with our School Supply Drive!  

3D Printer

UPDATE: Due to ongoing technical difficulties and a long waitlist, we are pausing new 3D print requests until further notice. Thank you for your patience! Time to create! Our 3D printer is up and running and ready for public use. What is a 3D...

Book Subscription Service!

Are your kids struggling with reading? Do they love to read but aren’t sure what to read next? Sign up for our book subscription service! We will pick out books based on your wants/needs and add a snack and craft. You will pick up your book subscription at the beginning of each month. Follow the link below to sign up now!

Activity Backpack Kits

Backpack activity kits must be picked up at and returned to the Amery Area Public Library.

To request a backpack kits, call 715.268.9340